Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Student Outing

We had a student outing on 2 weeks ago on Saturday. They told me that we were going to have competitions for the different classes and to meet at 9:30 a.m. downtown in front of the national theatre. I got there at 9:15 and there were a lot of students there which surprised me because Mongolians are always late! Anyway, the other teachers showed up at 10:00. My students yelled at them saying, “Don’t be late! Be on time!” I taught them that. It was really funny. Then we walked an hour and a half to this big field on the outside of town. The competitions were really fun! There was a dancing competition and a version of Simon Says. They also had to take things from nature and glue them on a piece of poster board to make a picture. Well since Mongolians litter, most of them had trash and cigarette butts on their posters! Things I or most Americans would never touch! It was definitely interesting. There was another game where they picked 5 people from every class and made them stand in a line. When they said go, the students had to take whatever items or clothing they had on them and make a line. Whoever made the longest line won. People were taking out and off everything - hair ties, phones, money, bra straps, pants, shirts… I saw 3 boys in just their underwear and one of my girl students without her shirt. I felt kind of strange but no one else seemed to mind. I guess it was normal. We would all be fired if that happened in the states.

Aren't they pretty?!

Me with girls from my 2C class

Me with boys from my 2C class.  They speak English really well!

They are my favorite class but don’t tell anyone!

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